Gaspard Sicx Trio

Gaspard Sicx Trio

  • Start date : 15/12/2023 20:30
  • Type : Concert
  • Venue : Jazz Station
  • Address : Chaussée de Louvain 193a-195, 1210 Bruxelles, Belgique
  • Purchase link

Gaspard Sicx is a drummer from Brussels, recently awarded the Toots Thielemans Jazz Award 2022 after his master’s degree at KCB. Their trio has existed for more than five years, and their first album ‘There is no Time’ was released in November 2022. On this album, the trio plays with the possibilities and the limits offered by a trio without a harmonic instrument, oscillating between unstructured grooves, a fragile swing and free improvisation, all carried by simple melodies, sometimes deceptively naive. The drummer’s compositions are enhanced by the flexibility, virtuosity and great creativity of Brussels saxophonist Sylvain Debaisieux and Sardinian bassist Manolo Cabras, also present on the album.


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