GYJO's Jazzy Friday

GYJO's Jazzy Friday

  • Start date : 24/02/2023 20:00
  • Type : Concert
  • Address : Sint-Bavohumaniora, Reep, Ghent, Belgium
  • Organizing structure : Muziekmozaïek vzw

After a successful first week of rehearsals last year, the youth big band Ghent Youth Jazz Orchestra is gearing up for the next one. During the spring break, the 19 young musicians will fly into new music under the direction of guest conductor and trombonist Dree Peremans. Closing with a Jazzy Friday concert on Friday 24 February in the ADS hall of the Sint-Bavohumaniora in Ghent. Come and see it!

As an entrance fee, we ask for a free contribution. This will go directly to our expenses for the concert and to all the wild plans we still want to realize.



Ghent Youth Jazz Orchestra

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