De Muze - Antwerpen

De Muze - Antwerpen

  • Address : Melkmarkt 15, 2000 Anvers, Belgique
At the end of october 1964, Walter Masselis and Tone Pauwels, two west flemish from Kortrijk, opened a pub on the melkmarkt called De Muze. The furniture was bought from the salvation army, the taproom was built with floorboards from the first floor. There is a living room atmosphere with plush seats and sparse lighting.

The idiosyncratic approach of the two owners soon finds an echo among the Antwerp artists who, in addition to their visits to Den Engel and 't pannenhuis, also begin to frequent De Muze. It is the time of the happenings on the groenplaats with panamarenko, among others, and the words alternative and controversial do not fall on deaf ears with the hanging, shouting, discussing and smoking clientele of this new café.

More artists find their way to De Muze, the artistic life is bustling and then Ferre Grignard appears. Every thursday night, he and his group give an energetic performance in a packed De Muze. on 15 november 1965, Ferre presented his first record in De Muze, where the recordings were also made. The costs of the recordings were paid by a collection among the clients themselves.

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