Centre Culturel des Riches Claires

Centre Culturel des Riches Claires

  • Address : Rue des Riches Claires 24, 1000 Bruxelles, Belgique

Located in the heart of Brussels, the Riches-Claires have, from the outset, made it a point of honour to be a springboard for emerging projects. This mission originated under the impetus of Jacques Viala (director from 1999 to 2003), and was pursued vigorously by Mélanie Lalieu (director from 2003 to 2013) and Éric De Staercke (director since 2013).

Among the artists who have performed their creations at Les Riches-Claires, we can remember Geneviève Damas, Pietro Pizzuti, Thibaut Nève, Panach'Club, Roda Fawaz, Collectif Arbatache, Angelo Bison, Hamadi or Thomas Mustin, Compagnie Yapluka, Marc De Roy, Emmanuel De Candido, Alexandre Drouet, Emmanuel Deckoninck, Georges Lini, Adeline Dieudonné, Peggy Thomas, Canine collectif, Les Vrais Majors... 

Originally organised around a single 200-seat theatre (the Salle Viala, named after Jacques Viala), since 2013 the Riches-Claires has had a second 80-seat theatre, called the Salle Marion, in homage to Marion (born Georgette Mariot), a Belgian actress, comedian and presenter who has worked hard and continues to work hard to support young companies, initiating projects such as "Le Pied à l'Etrier" or "Lundis-Théâtre", which are always programmed at the Riches-Claires.

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