Muziekmozaïek Folk & Jazz

Muziekmozaïek Folk & Jazz

  • Roles : Photographer, Journalist, Booker, Band manager, Structure manager

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Ghent! Where the cosiest pubs are big on jams. Where the biggest festivals excel in their small-scale conviviality. Where quirkiness is in the city water. And where that city water buzzes as much as t...
Would you like to explore free music and improvisation in a playful atmosphere? Are you eager to make new friends and create music together? Jazz Camp for Girls is an inclusive summer camp for girls a...
Last month, nine Belgian bands competed in three different preliminaries for a spot in the final of the B-Jazz International Contest 2024. Elsiris, YENTL, TB Project, Anaphora, Minla, Tomer Cohen Trio...
Heading to the Ghent Festivities! From Monday 22nd to Saturday 27th of July, Muziekmozaïek and Uitbureau are joining forces once again to provide a stage for emerging bands in jazz and folk music. The...
'Jazz... & mo'. That gets an extra dimension in this Jazz&mo'. Because besides musical boundaries, this time we also cross all other boundaries of art. Jazz combined with literature, poetry, s...
Muziekmozaïek, 30CC Leuven, Rataplan Antwerp and CC Het SPOOR Harelbeke are looking for young Belgian jazz talent ready to break through on international stages. During the three preliminary rounds on...



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