Filip Verneert

Filip Verneert

Started playing the guitar at the age of fifteen as an autodidact. When he was 22 he entered the Conservatory of Music in Ghent, where he studied with Freddy Sunder. Later on he attended different workshops and master classes with Peter Hertmans, Serge Lazarevitch, Pierre Van Dormael, John Abercrombie and Martin Taylor.
At The Royal Conservatory of Brussels he studied with Paolo Radoni. He is also plays the Tenor Banjo, Bouzouki and Ud.

He teaches guitar, and jazz combo at the Music Academies of Merelbeke and Kaprijke.

Filip played for almost 10 years with KWARTET EN VIE with whom he played Hot Club de France, swing and Latin music (Rik Verstrepen: violin, JP Cornelis: guitar, Mario Vermandel: double bass). They recorded the CD 'Acoustic Swing', featuring Ronny Verbiest on accordeon.

Together with bassplayer Christophe Devisscher he plays with KIMIZ (Yiddish/Turkish/Bulgarian music) featuring: Kristel Borghlevens (clarinet), Dirk Van Esbroeck (vocals, guitar), Johan De Baedts (percussion), Jean-Michel Alexandre (violin) en Christophe Devisser (double bass). In '99 they recorded the CD 'Za Zjivota'.

Concerts: Dranouter Folk Festival, Winterfolk, Feestival Gooik, AB-club, Gentse Feesten, Brossella, tour in different Cultural Centers 2000, Street Festival (Lux).
Tour in France organized by Festival des Guitares.

On banjo & guitar Filip played in the 'Drie stuiver opera' (Bertold Brecht, Kurt Weill) and The Jazz Suite (Dimitri Shostakovitch) with the Chapelle Musicale de Tournai.

He founded the "To Be or Not to Be-Bop Band", a didactical music program for high school students, which tells the history of Jazz, played live by 6 musicians. (Rudy Reunes: trompet/bugel, Dirk De Schoenmaker: sax/klarinet, Mario Vermandel: contrabas, Dominique Vantomme: piano and Jean-Marc Ghesquiere: drums).

For the La_Waai Festival in Ghent 2002, Filip was co-author of a new production, called SOLANA SOLANA (Johan De Baedts (percussion), Dirk Van Esbroeck (vocal-guitar), Hugo Boogaerts (sax-flute), Christel Borhlevens (clarinet), Roman Korolik (bass). This program tries to integrate jazz-, world- and folk music with a story-teller.

Filip plays acoustic guitar in the Ilse Duyck Group (Ilse Duyck: vocals-composer, Christophe Devisscher : double bass, Paul Flush: piano and Luc Vanden Bosch: drums). They recorded in 2002 the CD "Behind" and played on Jazz in 't Park, Jazz and Sounds Festival.

The last year Filip plays with the Rudy Reunes Quartet ( Rudy Reunes: trumpet, Jean Van Lint: double bass, Luc Vanden Bosch: drums) and the John Snauwaert Quintet (John snauwaert: sax, Hans Van Oost: guitar, Jan Van Lint: double bass, JM Ghesquiere: drums).
With John Snauwaert he leads the jamsessions in the Geuzenhuis in Ghent every wednesday. Filip had the opportunity to play with Philippe De Chaffoy (violin), Hans Van Oost (git), Nick Fisette (tp), Mimi Verderame(drums), Lode Mertens (tb), Laurent Blondiau (tp), Paul Flush (piano), Luc Vanden Bosch (drums), Bart Maris (tp), Mario Vermandel (bass), Marijn De Valck (voc), Will Tura (voc), Dirk Van Esbroeck (git,voc), Chapelle Musicale de Tournai and Sammy Rimington (clar).

DISCOGRAPHY (not listed on this site)

  • CD 'Acoustic Swing' Kwartet En Vie 1996 ENVIEREC
  • CD 'Twilight Songs' Karine Bosanne 1997 Adarec
  • CD 'Za Zjivota' KiMiZ 1999 WBM-Alea
  • Video animationfilm 'Papa Trompet' 2000 KASK




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