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Friday 14/06/2024

Saturday 30/09/2023

Poor Isa 'dissolution of the other' + Chris Joris 'Until the Darkness Fades' © Thomas Geuens

Sunday 13/08/2023

Extraordinary display of percussion and strings.

Thursday 08/06/2023

A music of the moment that constantly seeks and explore unexpected areas. The music of this trio plunges us into a world where melancholy is a source of hope. The three musicians walk the thin edg...

Friday 02/06/2023


Thursday 01/06/2023


Wednesday 22/03/2023

With Julien Tassin (gt),Manu Hermia (sx) & Chris Joris (percussion & drums) The music of this trio plunges us into a world where melancholy is a source of hope. The three musicians walk on a...

Friday 09/09/2022