Summer Bummer Festival: Maria Bertel
- Start date : 26/08/2023 15:00
- Type : Concert
- Venue : Trix
- Address : Noordersingel 28-30, 2140 Antwerpen, Belgique
- Organizing structure : Sound in Motion
- Festival : Summer Bummer
- Purchase link
The Danish trombone player, improviser and composer Maria Bertel is one of the founders of the Copenhagen based art collective eget værelse and a core member of the band Selvhenter. By amplifying the acoustic sound of her instrument, she creates music that draws inspiration from drone and noise. What is usually not audible now presents itself clearly: movements, metal and breath all become a swirling part of her compositions. Changing organic patterns are emerging, tiny sounds become brutally clear as well as the range of overtones of the instrument.