Manu Hermia Freetet

Manu Hermia Freetet

  • Start date : 21/01/2023 20:30
  • Type : Concert
  • Venue : JAZZ9
  • Address : Rue de l'Usine 9a, Mazy 5032 Gembloux, Belgique
  • Organizing structure : Jazz9 asbl
  • Purchase link

In Manuel Hermia’s Freetet, order and chaos are constantly balanced, as in nature. The compositions are clear, but the arrangements, rather than being written, draw directions, balances and role plays, so that each protagonist of the group can permanently appropriate his voice as he feels like. And what protagonists: a horn section where Manuel Hermia, on saxophones, gathered around him Samuel Blaser on trombone and Jean-Paul Estévienart on the trumpet, all supported by the strong complicity of Manolo Cabras on bass and Joao Lobo on drums. A modern quintet, which tends to sketch joy as much as depth, having fun in surprising us.



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