© Laurent Poiget


Tony Malaby (Charlie Haden’s Liberation Orchestra, Paul Motian’s Electric Bebop Band, Mark Helias’ Open Loose, Fred Hersch, Tim Berne, Kris Davis), Jozef Dumoulin (Lidlboj, Octurn, The Red Hill Orchestra with Dan Weiss & Ellery Eskelin, Plug & Pray with Benoît Delbecq) and Samuel Ber (KARTET, Pentadox, Benoît Delbecq & The Multiplexers, Michael Attias, Bo Van Der Werf Mantra Magnets Soet Kempeneer Trio) explore a music made of flow, pulses, textures, angles, memory, rotations, distances, intentions, proliferations, territories, speeds, changes of scale, intervals. Their taste for playfulness pushes them to redefine the music at every moment.

[Synecdoche : A figure of speech that consists in taking the part for the whole. Example: a sail for a ship.]

Samuel Ber’s compositions are similar to synecdoche: the imaginary territories they offer to the trio are in reality only fragments of a larger and deeper vision that the trio, through improvisation, creates, reveals and play with in real time.

In 2018, their debut album “Maps & Synecdoches” came out.

“Ber is an incredibly present drummer – in the best sense of the word – and has a penchant for angular rhythms. But he often forms an inseparable tandem with Dumoulin to showcase their preference for steamingly hot music. In this environment, Malaby blows fragile and intense notes, without forgoing coarser and unpolished moments.” – Draai om je oren

“The first concert of this trio, a first meeting for the 3 improvisers, planned as a one shot at the former Brussels jazz club Bravo in November 2015, finally revealed its nature as a synecdoche: the starting point of a long-term creative collaboration whose first album “Maps & Synecdoches” presents the music “of what is undoubtedly a leading trio – De Standaard


Tony Malaby (US) – Tenor Saxophone

Jozef Dumoulin (BE) – Keys

Samuel Ber (BE) – Drums