HOUSE OF MIRRORS is a follow-up to Belgian vocalist Sophie Tassignon and Canadian saxophonist Peter Van Huffel's original group HuffLiGNoN, which released its debut CD on Portugal's Clean Feed Records in 2008. This new formation features the brilliant British pianist Julie Sassoon, who has quickly become a main staple of Berlin's contemporary and improvised music scenes; and Canadian bassist Miles Perkin - a member of the Peter Van Huffel Quartet, and a musician who is highly commended for his individual approach to the bass and his intriguing solo performances.
This is a truly unique new group, which delves into many spectrums of the modern music world. Tassignon, renowned for her ability to sing "unsingable melodies" with her own individual style, is a co-leader in such projects as the Folk/Tassignon Quartet and the electronic-duo "Charlotte and Mr. Stone". She has also been heard performing the works of contemporary French composer Stephane Furic-Leibovici and lends her unique voice and electronics combination to many theatre productions around Berlin and abroad. Van Huffel, an active performer in many International Jazz scenes, can be heard in multiple musical settings such as his own Quartet (which released the critically acclaimed "Like the Rusted Key" on Fresh Sound/New Talent Records in February 2010), and the Berlin-based Rock/Free-Jazz trio GORILLA MASK. He has released four CD's as a leader and two as a collaborator to date; and performs frequently all across the globe in a variety of settings.
"HOUSE OF MIRRORS" has recently completed their first CD and is busy making plans for concerts and tours across Europe in 2012. This group brings a whole new approach to modern music - combining songs and lyrics with free improvisation and compositional techniques ranging from Bach to Ligeti. Keep posted for information on the release of their CD and upcoming performances.