Thierry Crommen Quartet
ERNO has gathered unusual fellow travellers on a musical quest which refuses to bow to frontiers. Among his collaborators are SENSE OF DOUBT ("juvenile" rock), THE CROW (REALLY loud pop rock), GINGKO BILOBA (Afro funk), PJ JUNIOR & SIMPLY THE BLUES (Blues and Grooves), 98% MAXIMUM SOUL (guess this one), WHACK (funk rock), FRAGRANCE TRIO (Cool Jazz Dandy's Cycle Music), EMMANUEL PICCARDI (French song), LEA GILMORE (blues and gospel), GROOVE BUS (as the name tells itself…). ERNO is also an author and a composer. He recently made his "coming out" as french-pop singer, revealing very sensitive and poetical songs.
ACHIM TANG studied classical Music in Basel and Berlin. In 1987 he moved to Austria to study at the jazz department of the Hochschule für Musik und darstellend Kunst in Graz. After moving to Vienna in 1993 he quickly becomes one of Austria's most wanted bass players. He successfully works with jazz musicians as well as with contemporary composers, DJs, world musicians or dancers. Over the years Achim Tang played - and still plays - with many of the leading improvisers in contemporary music today, such as MARC DUCRET, STOYAN YANKULOV, WOLFGANG PUSCHNIG, JOACHIM KÜHN, LINDA SHARROCK, PATRICE HERAL, GUY KLUSEVCEK, ANATOLY VAPIROV, JAY CLAYTON, DEEPAK RAM, MAX NAGL, DOMINIK PIFFARELLY, DAVID TRONZO and many others. He performed on many of the big Festivals in France, Scandinavia, Germany and Switzerland.
"Achim Tang is one of the players, for whom stylistic borders simply don't exist"
(Renald Deppe)