Stage Konnakol  Rythme Inde du sud

Stage Konnakol Rythme Inde du sud

  • Start date : 09/07/2023 16:58
  • End date : 16/07/2023
  • Type : Other
  • Address : Libramont-Chevigny, Belgique
  • Festival : AKDT - STAGES JAZZ


South Indian rhythms course 


An effective method that uses the voice:

To sing the rhythms using syllables (solkaṭṭu)

The hands to type the rhythmic cycles "tāḷa" to better feel and visualize them.

It allows to learn and understand the rhythms, to build skills in improvisation.

We will learn different solkaṭṭu, rhythmic concepts of South India

We will learn different   Pulsations ,subdivisions , new structures and patterns

It will help you  to develop your groove, creativity and improvisation.

Additional info