Invisible mother

Invisible mother
20 Tracks 1 Plaat
  • 1. Genese
  • 2. The Lake, The Light And The Mountain
  • 3. Inner Fire
  • 4. Birth Of Ganga
  • 5. Constellation 1
  • 6. Constellation 2
  • 7. Invisible Mother
  • 8. Constellation 4
  • 9. Constellation 4
  • 10. Constellation 5 "The Mother"
  • 11. The Joy Of Siva
  • 12. Constellation 6
  • 13. Constellation 7
  • 14. The Calls
  • 15. Stone Of Wisdom
  • 16. After Accomplishment
  • 17. School Of Mysteries
  • 18. The Wind
  • 19. Ascension
  • 20. Praying After Meditation
Composities : Fabrizio Cassol
De 3 albums INVISIBLE SUN, INVISIBLE MOTHER and INVISIBLE MOON maken samen tryptiek gecomponeerd door Fabrizio Cassol voor Aka Moon.

  • Verschenen : 01/07/1999
  • Referentie : C7-038
  • Drager : cd
  • Label : Carbon 7

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