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Friday 26/05/2023

Sunday 30/04/2023

Sonic haikus, electric madrigals and haunting ritornellos Clement Nourry travels the seabed with his 6 strings. A dreamlike journey with John Fahey, Gesualdo and Ornette Coleman.

Wednesday 19/10/2022

Thursday 29/09/2022

Wednesday 28/09/2022

Launched 25 years ago and dedicated to the jazz community in Belgium, Jazz in Belgium is getting a makeover. Available in three languages, from now on collaborative and participative, this tool for t...

Wednesday 14/09/2022

Saturday 03/09/2022

Saturday 13/08/2022

Sunday 07/08/2022

Sunday 19/06/2022

Saturday 18/06/2022

Thursday 28/04/2022