Steven Debruyn en Concert

Steven Debruyn en Concert

  • Start date : 09/11/2023 20:30
  • Type : Concert
  • Address : La Ferme de Martinrou, Chaussée de Charleroi 615, 6220 Fleurus, Belgique

Fleurus culture and Martinrou are joining forces to offer you a cycle of intimate concerts in the beautiful little Martinrou theater.


Concert for One - first day. With these words, the harmonica player STEVEN DE BRUYN climbed the attic stairs alone, closed the shutter of his studio, sat down and blew. There was a day two, a day thirty, a day sixty. Every day that corona ceased, the Ghent from Limburg organized a Concert for One. Until it's time for a Concert for Two. As soon as it was possible, De Bruyn called on his usual sparring partner: double bassist JASPER HAUTEKIET, with whom he played together with The Rhythm Junks for fifteen years, and with whom he released his first solo album The Eternal Perhaps in 2020. The big difference, underlines De Bruyn, is that this time, it was a duo record. The result, AANHOU GERAAS MAAK, is not a substantive instrumental record. This is immersive music that takes the listener just below the surface of the water, where the light breaks beautifully and the tones are muted. And you can take it literally. All this gives AANHOU GERAAS MAAK… During a Concert for Two. And soon: during the Concerts for Many


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