Julien Tassin solo
© Lucinde Wahlen

Julien Tassin solo

julien tassin, mantras for guitar

The name Julien Tassin is almost automatically followed by those of his associates Dré Pallemaerts and Nic Thys. And yet in his most recent release Primitiv he once again turns inwards. ‘As a solo artist, I only need to focus on my own thoughts,’ is his explanation for why he has opted for introspection this time around. His concoctions sound as virtuoso as always, both in the softness of the nylon and in the raw electrical distortion. Meanwhile, humming and scat singing, his voice weaves through the plucking of strings. At Walden Festival he takes the tracks of this new album as the starting point for a musical journey, although with Tassin you never quite know where this will end.

16.07 / 13:00 & 17:00



Julien Tassin Solo