Jeroen Reggers Quartet

Jeroen Reggers Quartet

  • Start date : 28/04/2023 20:30
  • Type : Concert
  • Venue : Jazz Station
  • Address : Chaussée de Louvain 193a-195, 1210 Bruxelles, Belgique
  • Purchase link

Guitar player Jeroen Reggers has written a lot of music for this band, in which he merges his love for jazz music with influences of experimental rock bands. After playing in trio with Gert-Jan Dreessen and Nic Thys for a while, Jeroen asked tenor player Steven Delannoye to join in for a session. His sound and playing suited the music perfectly, it blended beautifully with the sound of the guitar; the Quartet was born! Together they bring contemporary, fresh sounding jazz music. Sometimes eclectic, other times sensitive, with a lot of space for improvisation and interpretation by some of Belgium’s finest musicians.



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