Lionel Beuvens "49 steps to heaven"

Lionel Beuvens "49 steps to heaven"

  • Start date : 03/05/2023 19:00
  • Type : Concert
  • Venue : Jacques Pelzer Jazz Club
  • Address : Boulevard Ernest Solvay 493, 4000 Liège, Belgique

With Manuel Dunkel (ts), Alexi Tuomarila (pn), Brice Soniano (bass) & Lionel Beuvens (dr)

Lionel Beuvens presents a new album, rich and contrasted, which reveals a writing of a great control and richness, as well in the ballads marked by a sober and powerful lyricism, as in a contemporary jazz which borders on the experimental. The multiple inspirations of the composer are heard (funk, Latin music) and are served with accuracy and emotion by Brice Soniano (double bass), Alexi Tuomarila (piano), and Manuel Dunkel (sax). The space left to the musicians by Lionel Beuvens' chiseled writing allows them to unleash their talents as improvisers and reveals a great group complicity. This album is definitely one of those that accompany us, that we can listen to over and over again throughout our day, and it marks it with an almost spiritual color, because of the oscillation it operates between the tensions, dense, wild or festive and a contemplative and nourishing distance.

Admission: 12€ for the general public
             10€ for students
Access to the concerts is WITHOUT reservation!



Lionel Beuvens quartet

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