Aligaga | Jazz Tour
© Valentine Jamis

Aligaga | Jazz Tour

  • Start date : 21/04/2023 21:00
  • Type : Concert
  • Venue : JAZZ9
  • Address : Rue de l'Usine 9a, Mazy 5032 Gembloux, Belgique
  • Organizing structure : Jazz9 asbl
  • Festival : Jazz Tour

Hailing from Europe's far corners, these five musicians have known each other since when they attended Conservatory. In their shared flat in Maastricht, they met after classes to jam and create new music projects. Magic was almost immediately set in motion and ALIGAGA was born in 2014. Since their first encounters, as an ensemble, they've been seeking the path towards a free kind of music where doubts, tolerance and paradoxes find their place and nestle in it. 



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