Hélène Duret Synestet - CD release ‘Rôles’

Hélène Duret Synestet - CD release ‘Rôles’

  • Start date : 28/01/2023 18:00
  • Type : Concert
  • Venue : Jazz Station
  • Address : Chaussée de Louvain 193a-195, 1210 Bruxelles, Belgique

Synestet, Franco-Belgian quintet, appeals to the senses, expresses, plays, improvises; the perception of music becomes a mixture of colors, smells, shapes, textures. Five musicians crazy about improvisation, thirsty for games and musical expression, weave their way between the lines to form a homogeneous and improvised sound bubble. A rock electric guitar with volatile effects, drums that are sometimes colorful, sometimes conductor, melodies to sing where saxophone, clarinet and double bass merge into a single voice. This unprecedented meeting, on the initiative of clarinettist Hélène Duret, offers open music, advocates simplicity and inventiveness. Between Ornette Coleman, Jimmy Giuffre, Duke Ellington, Jakob Bro, Timber Timbre.



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