Jean-Luc Pappi Trio - Latin Jazz

Jean-Luc Pappi Trio - Latin Jazz

  • Start date : 21/01/2023 20:00
  • Type : Concert
  • Venue : Le Baixu
  • Address : Rue Picard 3, 1000 Bruxelles, Belgium
  • Purchase link

Come and rediscover the melodic and emotional power of the great Latin standards, revisited by passionate and inspired musicians and 3 exceptional jazzmen: Jean-Luc Pappi (p), Bruno Castellucci (dr), Chris Mentens (double bass) in a programme composed of compositions by Jean-Luc Pappi and Latin and American standards.
Cuban, Brazilian and West Indian rhythms, enriched with jazz harmonies. The energy, complicity, freedom and beauty of their improvisations will give you wings!


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