Hervé Caparros Trio

Hervé Caparros Trio

  • Start date : 18/01/2023 19:00
  • Type : Concert
  • Venue : Jacques Pelzer Jazz Club
  • Address : Boulevard Ernest Solvay 493, 4000 Liège, Belgique

With Hervé Caparros (gt), Frédéric Dailly (bass elec.) & Jan de haas (dr)

The explosive encounter between drummer Jan De Haas, one of the most talented drummers in the Belgian jazz scene, and Fred "frouch" Dailly, a funk-rock influenced Slap player.

All of this is at the service of the music of Hervé Caparros, guitarist and composer with diverse and varied influences!

On the program, original compositions and surprising covers are waiting for you, interpreted without stylistic barriers, letting the influences, the imagination and the pleasure of playing together express themselves.

Admission: 12€ for the general public
             10€ student

Access to the concerts is WITHOUT reservation!



Hervé Caparros Trio

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