Vitja Pauwels solo

Vitja Pauwels solo

  • Start date : 30/11/2022 20:15
  • Type : Concert
  • Venue : Ha Concerts
  • Address : Kouter 29, 9000 Gent, Belgique
The Brussels multi-instrumentalist Vitja Pauwels walks exciting paths. Whether with bands like Bombataz, Naima Joris and Warm Bad or solo, he grabs attention. On his second solo album Drift By / Sink In (W.E.R.F. records), he works with pedal steel, drum computers and even sings. An exciting concert full of contrast. Pauwels' first solo live album Day at Half Speed came out in 2019 on Rat Records/Walter/Off label. This after a year in Trondheim, Norway, with none other than powerhouse Stian Westerhus as a mentor.



Vitja Pauwels solo


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