Eve Beuvens solo

Eve Beuvens solo

  • Start date : 18/01/2022 12:30
  • Type : Other
  • Venue : Musée Charlier
  • Address : Avenue des Arts 16, 1210 Saint-Josse-ten-Noode, Bruxelles, Belgique
  • Festival : Les Midis d'Hortense
In August 2018, Eve received a "commission" from the Gaume Jazz Festival for a solo concert for the following year. She went around her piano seven times and accepted the challenge! She then immersed herself in the solo piano discs that had marked her since her adolescence: Herbie Hancock "The Piano", Thelonious Monk "Solo Monk", Keith Jarrett "Live in Rio" but also those of Paul Bley, Masabumi Kikuchi or Dollar Brand. Then she started to compose. Since the beginning of her pianist life, Eve has always composed, for her trio, for her quartet, for her septet but never for her alone! She composed a very personal program: contrasting pieces, forming a coherent whole rich in subtle details. She presented it in a simple yet intense way, creating a special atmosphere. Finally finding great joy in playing alone, she decided to continue the adventure!


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