Serendip cultivates the essence of program music using the Persian tale ‘The Three Princes of Serendip' as an extra-musical narrative. Serendip launched its first album ‘The Tale' released by Impeka Records at Total Refreshment Centre in London in May 2018.It has since performed at prestigious venues like Ronnie Scott's, The Vortex Jazz Club, Jazz live at The Crypt, Jazz in The Round but also in more young and happening London venues like Ghostnotes, Rye Waxrecords, The Royal Albert bar and Kansas Smitty's. The album is well acclaimed by the United Kingdom's jazz radio programs.‘The Tale' is played regularly on Jazz FM radio and appeared on Soweto Kinch's BBC Radio 3 program ‘Jazz Now' In Belgium Serendip recently won the Sabam for Culture Prize at B Jazz International Contest 2019. The band plays regularly in Brussels jazz café and clubs.